Thursday, March 24, 2011

Consider Fuel Efficiency When Buying a Car

When you need to buy your next automobile make sure that fuel economy doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Buying a compact car with good gas mileage is both friendly to the environment and your pocket book. You will enjoy the savings throughout the life of the vehicle.
There is a lot to consider when buying a car. If you are buying a used car the condition of the clutch, brakes, engine and transmission will play a huge role in how much that car will cost to operate. Even minor problems can result in $300 repairs.
With new cars you need to find the make and model that has a proven track record and fits your needs. Make sure that fuel efficiency plays a role in your decision making. If you emerge from the car buying process with a fuel efficient car you will burn up less cash in your tank and have more money to spend on things that matter.

18 Tips for Saving Money on Gasoline

Gas prices are on the rise again! Here are some tips to help you conserve gas and save money as we approach summer gas prices.
1. Keep your car tuned up. Cars in poor running condition use more gasoline.
2. Plan trips well to avoid unnecessary driving.
3. When you run your air conditioner you get much worse gas mileage. Use your air conditioner sparingly. If you have a lower setting, use it. Turn it on until the car gets cool, then turn it off and let the fan circulate the cool air. Never run your air conditioner with your windows open!
4. Keep your windows closed when traveling at high speeds. Open windows cause additional drag and lower your gas mileage. At high speeds, an open window can use more gas than many air conditioners (especially if they are on a low setting).
5. Check your tire pressure. Over-inflated tires can actually reduce your fuel efficiency, so don't overfill.

Your Money, Your Life, or Your Seat Belt

A seat belt is one of those things in life that just doesn't make sense to about 40,000,000 people in the United States. After all, freedom of choice is the Free World cornerstone and when it comes to our automobiles, we want to ride them any way we choose.
"Liberty or death!" shouts a protestor on the nightly news. He values his God-given Freedoms to drive without fear of an illegal search and seizure. "The people," he contends, "aren't idiots and can govern their own safety." Courts determine whether driving without a seat belt is a Right or a Privilege, but "by God we will defend our freedoms 'till our dying breath."
Unfortunately, that's just what happens each year.
What these people don't realize is just what choice they are making when they drive without a seat belt wrapped around everyone in the car.
Government and industry have sponsored multi-million dollar safety seat belt awareness campaigns for decades. Usage has climbed, but only slowly through the years until recently.

The Eye Witness To Your Getting Creamed

Thirty four years ago, in a book I wrote and was published, entitled, How To Settle Your Own Insurance Claim, I stated: "An eye witness can make or break your case. If you've been able to keep your wits about you the first thing you should do, immediately after impact has occurred, is to find somebody who observed it. After having spotted such a person, don't be bashful. Go right over to them and ask if they saw the accident ? If they did, jot down their name, address and telephone number. Should they drive away before you can zero in on them, make note of their motor vehicle's registration number so you can later obtain their name through the department of motor vehicle office."
What I wrote, over thirty years ago, remains true today. (As a matter of fact, when it comes to insurance claims, little has changed over he past sixty years)!

Making The Dealer An Offer

Before you make an offer you need to find a dealer with the car you want. You have three options in doing this.

  • Drive around all day and night searching for a dealer who has the car you want.
  • Spend countless hours online finding local dealers who have websites. And THEN spend more time digging through their websites to find your new car.
  • Fill out a request form online and have a dealer contact you if he or she has the car you are looking for. This option alone can save you hours of your valuable time.

So you know what you want, you know what it costs, and you where to find it, so how do you go about getting it? First and foremost is getting into a negotiating frame of mind. Always remember you can walk out at anytime and leave your offer on the table. Dealers want you to buy right then and there. They play on your impulses and try to rush you into a deal. Don't play their game; it's not the end of the world if you don't buy right then and there.

More On Lost Wages

Some time ago I wrote an article for the absolutely sensational ARTICLE CITY regarding the handling of your personal injury claim regarding how one should proceed to collect for their LOST WAGES.
Since then I've been asked so many questions about that subject matter I've decided to go into even greater depth regarding this highly complicated subject matter. So, here we go:
GENERALLY SPEAKING: If you're claiming five weeks of lost wages, and your Medical Record shows you were discharged in three, you're in deep "stuff"! You're chances of collecting for those additional two weeks is probably minus-zip.
No matter who says what you must make sure that the Final Medical Report, is handed to you - - only you - - nobody else !
Why ? So you'll have a chance to read it before you hand it to Adjuster Henry Hard-Nose employed by Rock Solid Insurance Corporation.

After The Sale

Enjoy your car... that's simple huh? Well it's not really that simple. Here is a list of things to think about after the sale.

  • Notify your insurance agent about the new car.
  • Read the entire owners manual. Familiarize yourself with the service requirements. Understand when you need to change oil, filters, and other major things like timing belt and driveline fluids.
  • Get used to operating the heating/AC controls and the radio so you do not have to fumble around and risk an accident while on the highway.

Closing The Deal

Congratulations !!!! You got the deal you were looking for. Now is the perfect time to mention to the dealer that you are looking to trade in that car you are currently driving. This way they cannot jack up the new car costs and offer you more for your car to make it seem like a better deal. If your trade-in is in good shape you should be looking for a price somewhere between retail and wholesale. If your car is spotless make sure the dealer knows he will not have to recondition it. Most research sites list trade-in value in the pricing reports, this is a good starting point. If your trade-in is less than perfect don't expect more than wholesale price. The dealers will take clunkers but they end up on the auction block the next week.

Online Sales and The Auto Dealer

Auto Dealers are finding selling their vehicles online hit or miss at best. Auto Trader and Ebay along with Smart Auction from General Motors are offering some of the best options to an Auto Dealer. Why is it that less than 10% of the vehicles listed online are actually selling? There are plenty of companies offering solutions but none seem to be working on a consistent basis. What about the dealer with an internet department? Is he any more successful?
Internet selling has gotten to be big business for the local Auto Dealer. Large or small dealers have different needs but the same outcome. Selling successfully online is a necessary addition to their bottom line and overall sales numbers. Each and every dealer, no matter the size, needs to be able to sell effectively online.
The time and money that selling online costs the Auto Dealer can be a lot less than classic print, radio and television advertising. So why has the local dealer stayed away from selling online? Most are intimidated by a market that is selling less than 10% of the vehicles that are listed in a medium they do not understand.
Selling online needs an expertise that most dealers lack.

Shopping For A Car? Don't Get Taken For A Ride!

Imagine this ... You're ready to buy a new car. You've done your research on the web at a site like so you know what the dealer has paid for the model you want. Based on your information you've established your comfort zone for price haggling.
You walk into the dealership, meet with a salesperson, and begin negotiations. At the end of your test drive and haggling, you're confident that you've made the best deal possible. No way you're getting ripped off because this time you are an "informed consumer" unlike when you bought your last vehicle.
One final step stands between you and your brand new "ride" - financing. Your credit is outstanding so you get what you believe is the lowest possible interest rate from the dealership. You drive away in your shiny new vehicle triumphant!

Gain 5 Horsepower This Weekend, For Practically Nothing:

What if I told you that you can gain 5 horsepower this weekend, for less than $100? Or, what if I told you that you could gain 5 horsepower this weekend, for less than $20?
I bet you'd be interested eh?
Well, the good news is, I'm going to tell you how to gain 5 horsepower this weekend for $0-15 spent. Sound too good to be true? Well, read on!
1) Increase the H2O ratio in your coolant - if it weren't for corrosion and freezing concerns, automotive makers would use pure water. Water cools much better than coolant any day of the week, and a cooler engine is a better performer.
Instead of half and half, try 40/60. DO NOT use pure water, As this may cause premature corrosion and that can be no fun at all to clean up. You may also try water wetter to further enhance this effect.

Cat And Mouse with Anti Laser Detectors:

Anti-Laser Detectors are what drivers use to warn of oncoming police hunting for speeders.
Original laser detectors had short ranges less than .25 miles. The laser detector becomes less accurate as the distance increases since the light path widens from a pencil width beam to over 3 feet in diameter.
Light pulses from police laser detectors aren't detectible with standard radar detecting equipment, so driver detection of police lasers was developed fast. The original laser detector's limitations were almost like starting over in the 1950's with similar radar detector limitations.
Laser detector guns, just like original radar detectors, may not be used in moving vehicles. That may be an archaic limitation, but laser detectors have increased detection response by operating in the 90 GHz range, much higher than Super-Wide Ka-Band radar detectors.
Two industries spawned:
Police radar and laser detection guns verified speeding drivers.

Confidence is King of the Road:

Confidence is more than just sexy. It can save you a ton of money on your next car or truck.
Lots of people hate buying cars. When you get right down to it, the root causes of this fear and loathing aren't hard to pin down.
1) Fear of the unknown.
2) Buying a car is a confrontational situation.
3) It's a huge commitment of time and money.
Well, okay, that's great, but how does that help you? Patience, grasshopper.
While there's no magical silver bullet to cure all of the above ills, a little confidence can go a long way. If you act uncertain and unsure, chances are you will get taken for a ride. This applies to every step of the process, not just when you're checking out cars on the showroom floor.
So what do you do? I mean, great, be confident. But what does that mean?
Be decisive. Know exactly what kind of car you want and exactly what you want to pay.

How To Escape a Speeding Ticket By Getting Away With A Warning:

Learn the tips on how to act when stopped by a police officer and what to say to increase your chances of getting away with a warning and not being ticketed. If you want to save yourself from the worries and expenses of dealing with a speeding ticket then after reading this article you'll know what to do when stopped by an officer.
If a police patrol car pulls up behind you with lights flashing, the key to the next few minutes is keeping things safe for you and the police officer. Slow down and carefully pull over to the right shoulder, making sure to use your turn signal.
If you are uncomfortable stopping in a relatively unpopulated or unlighted area, slow down, turn on your hazard lights and indicate by a hand signal that you are going up ahead. Then pull over as soon as you get to a more populated area. Police officers understand this concern.

Save Thousands on Any New Car by Using the Internet:

Failure to do your homework will prove costly when you purchase your next new vehicle. The internet makes all of the essential information accessible for free, so fire up your computer and get ready to save money.
If you are unlucky enough to be trading in your old vehicle, brace yourself because it is going to be ugly. The price dealers offer to pay is always painfully low. Don't be fooled by minimum trade promotions, they will just charge you more for the new car to cover their losses. The only way to get a fair price for your trade is to sell it yourself. Here are a few good web sites to sell your automobile for a small fee.
If you must trade in your old car, you can always find an independent appraisal online for free. I recommend looking up a few so that you can estimate a price range before you head out to make the trade. In addition to appraising your trade in, these sites provide estimates of how much you could expect to receive if you were to end up selling it yourself.

The Top 5 Ways To Add Extra Ponies To Your Nissan 300ZX Twin-Turbo:

The Nissan 300ZX Twin-Turbo has one of the most powerful engines created for the best Nissans.The VG30DETT has huge amounts of potential. This engine is putting out 300hp and almost 290 foot Lbs. of torque stock! The twin turbocharged and inter-cooled engine lacks very little. Read on to find the 5 most cost effective modifications to give you the most horsepower for your hard earned dollar!
Throttle body modification:
The throttle body modification isn’t going to be the biggest gain in hp in the world, but the best part is, it’s FREE! In case you missed that, yes, its completely free! All you need for this modification is a metal file or a 10mm wrench (depending on what year 300zx). All you have to do is simply remove a nut or a bump of molded aluminum that is sitting right by your throttle cable. This bump or nut is preventing your throttle from being able to open completely. By allowing it to open completely you’ve increased your air flow which increases your horse power.

Improve Gas Mileage Without Damaging Your Car:

Many of the gas saving devices being advertised do not work 
and can actually damage your vehicle.
After evaluating and testing more than 100 alleged gas- 
saving devices, the Environmental Protection Agency has 
found only a few that improve mileage and none that do so 
The gas-saving products on the market seem to fall into 
clearly defined categories. These include, but are not 
limited to: air-bleed devices, vapor-bleed devices, liquid 
injection devices, ignition devices, fuel line devices, 
mixture enhancers, internal engine modification devices, 
fuels and fuel additives, oils and oil additives, and 
driving habit modifiers.

Low Speed Impact "Injury" Facts:

Low Speed impacts are those that take pace at speeds under 10 MPH. There's often little (if any) visible Property Damage done to the rear of ones motor vehicle. However, those who are struck (especially in the rear) often have injuries, especially neck injuries. The most common of them are identified as "Whiplash".
The most contributing factors to "Low Back Injuries" is that the occupants cannot brace themselves nor force their back and neck against the seat or headrest. Most bumpers are built to withstand a low impact (with limited visible damage) but while there may be very minor property damage the body gets snapped around and the body sustains "Soft Tissue" injuries - - including bruises, plus chest and rib injuries.
It's been proved that while seat belts save lives they can also cause injuries! Since the introduction of Seat Belt Legislation the incidence of "Soft Tissue" injury has increased an astonishing 21% !

FAQ on Modifying the Toyota Supra:

What does BPU(TM) stand for? (BPU(TM) is a trademark of
Basic Performance Upgrades. These modifications are: A full length three inch down-pipe (with or with-out high flow cats), 3" (75mm) or bigger cat-back exhaust system, raised boost (18psi), and the required boost cut eliminator (GReddy BCC) needed to achieve that boost without activating the factory fuel cut-off at 14-15psi. These are the modifications that have proven to provide the best HP-to-$$$ ratio.
What does the + mean when someone says BPU(TM)+? And what is APU?
That stands for any additional power producing modifications other than the basic BPU(TM) modifications. One "+" refers to Adj. Cam Gears and under-drive pulleys, the second "+" refers to a Fuel controller, ECU upgrade, etc. For instance, a Supra with the BPU(TM) modifications, plus a front-mount intercooler, would be called BPU(TM)+. If you added cam gears to that, it would be BPU(TM)++, and so on. The "BPU(TM)" term is used until you have an upgraded turbo(s). Then it is referred to as APU, advanced performance upgrades. This designation pretty much covers every modification that can be performed.

Driving To Savings: Car Tips To Save You Money:

Although the most interesting method to save on car operating costs came from my chemistry teacher in high school (Buy your gasoline in the early morning or at night when it is cold outside. Gas becomes denser in cooler temperatures. Since gas pumps only measure the volume of fuel - not the density - you'll get better overall gas mileage for your money by purchasing fuel when it's cool outside rather than in the heat of the day), the moment that will determine the true amount you can save on your car costs comes before you even buy a car. The simple fact is that the type of car you decide to purchase will have the largest impact on the expenses you incur during the lifetime of it.
Even if a large sports utility vehicle is your dream car, it's probably a lot more than you really need. Taking some time to make a list of the things you'll use the car for will help determine the difference between your true needs and your wants. It's important to remember that each additional want you add above what you really need will cost you not only at the time of purchase, but in most cases well down the road with an increase in maintenance and operating costs.

Settling Your Motor Vehicle Accident Claim Yourself:

Handling a property damage and/or personal injury (motor vehicle) claim yourself is a simple and routine procedure for ordinary individuals to process on their own ! The vast majority of motor vehicle accident claims require no specialized expertise which allows one to successfully settle it.
There are five characteristics found which makes them easy for one to undertake without handing their case to a lawyer:
#1. The vast majority of them are "Ordinary" in character.
#2. By and large they don't involve serious injuries.
#3. More often than not (in comparison to the 10 to 15 percent that do) their are relatively low financial stakes and also minor economic losses involved.
#4. They're processed by the insurance company (who will ultimately be responsible for a payment to be made) in a highly routine, assembly-line format.
#5. Both parties are ordinary citizens (rather than institutions) and demand no specific expertise to undertake.
There are thousands of laypersons who are under the impression that when they gave their case to a lawyer that the large "Contingency Fee" which the attorney will eventually take is in exchange for a guarantee of SKILLED and PROFESSIONAL representation.

"Where's That Hammer? I'm Going To Do Bodily Harm To This Sucker!"

Bodily Harm!
I had a 1962 Ford Station Wagon a few years ago, well, several years ago, 1967 in fact.
It had a 6cyl engine with some little carpenters inside. 
At least they were metal workers.
There's an old saying, "The pistons sound like they are swapping holes!"
At this particular time I didn't know very much about the inside of an engine...but I knew that it wasn't supposed to be a black-smith's shop with all that hammering going on and blue smoke from his furnace coming out the tailpipe.
Have you ever heard someone say, "If I had a nickel for every time I have done so-n-so, I'd be a rich person today!"?
Well, I met one. And he was younger than I was. He told me he could make my car purr like a kitten.
All we needed was an old leather boot!

"Don't Wait Until You Have An Emergency To Use The Emergency Brake--Use It To Park!

Do you use your *emergency* brake?
You should.
Your emergency brake is not just for emergencies only. You should use it any time you park on any type incline.
You know, when you pull up to the restaurant to treat your family to a great meal you have to park on an incline.
Now, you're sitting there enjoying the family-get-to-gather, when you happen to look out the window and watch your very own vehicle rolling backwards toward that Mercedes across the parking lot!
Did you set the *parking* brake? Probably not.
A large number of people still call the parking brake an emergency brake: "That's my emergency brake, an I don't want to use it...I might have an emergency."

How to Change Your Car's Motor Oil:

First, let's answer the question; Why should you change your own oil? Because you can save time and money. You don't have to wait in line at the service garage or quick oil change shop. For ten bucks you can get the best oil and a brand new oil filter. And, it's so easy to do that you could train a monkey to do it.
Changing your cars motor oil is a very simple three-step process: 1. Drain the old oil. 2. Replace the oil filter. 3. Add the new oil. But before we go through the steps, lets answer a few basic questions.
When should I change my oil?
Look in your cars owners manual. Most auto manufacturers recommend changing the motor oil every 6,000 miles for normal service, or every 3,000 miles for severe service. I change my oil every 6,000 miles, and my engines run like new when I trade my vehicles in with well over 100,000 miles on them. One thing that I do is change a new cars oil after the first 300 mile break-in period. Then, after that, I change the oil every 6,000 miles.

Don't Get In A Hurry...Work Safely!

Don't get in a hurry! Work Safely!
Doing maintenance and repairs to your car can be frustrating.
Sometimes a bolt won't start, or it tries to cross thread.
The oil filter just won't start.
You are lying there on the blanket and your arm is giving out...I know you would like to, but please don't get up and throw the oil filter down the street.
You have to have patience! If you don't have them, then you have to adopt them.
Having patience and not getting in a hurry helps you work safely, and cuts down on anti-acid pills. :-)

"Let's Get A Cup Of Coffee--It Will Work After That!"

When I first started doing mechanic work in 1970 (we 
weren't known as *technicians* then) I learned a great 
My boss and I were replacing the clutch on this 1969 Chevy pickup.
After he had put the line-up shaft through the clutch plate 
to get it lined up, so the transmission shaft would go 
through it, we bolted the pressure plate up to the 

Why Select 2-Strokes?

In our previous publication, we touched on the subject 
of 2-stroke diesel engines. Today, we ask why we choose 
to use 2-strokes?
As you might remember, for a 2-stroke engine, the piston 
has to move up, and then down to complete one cycle of 
the engine. In those 2 strokes of the piston, the 
crankshaft will have turned 1 revolution. In those 2 
strokes of the piston the engine has also completed 
4 stages of the combustion cycle - air intake, 
compression, combustion and exhaust.

Bigger Power with 2-Strokes:

n our last publication, we touched a bit on 4-stroke diesel 
engine. Today, let's touch on 2-strokes.
What is a 2-stroke diesel engine?
As the name suggests, these engines work on reciprocating 
actions of pistons. One stroke means one linear motion of the 
piston in one direction. When the piston moves in the opposite 
direction, that is counted as another stroke.

Inside Knowledge about Diesel Engines:

One of the most reliable internal combustion engines around 
is the diesel engine. In many industrial installations, diesel 
engines are used as prime movers for the generation of 
electricity and for emergency air compressors.
It's true that they are rugged, but one of the most important 
advantages of these engines is the fact that they can be 
started by manual cranking. In remote areas, diesel engines 
can be counted upon for starting up from scratch.

Lubrication - The Silent Component of Machinery:

The function of a lubrication medium is:
1. To form a film between moving bearing components so that metal to metal contact is prevented.
2. To reduce friction and eliminate wear
3. To protect against corrosion
4. To seal against impurities like dust, dirt, water.
In order for the oil film to be formed between the moving bearing 
components, the film must be sufficiently thick even under heavy 
load, high temperatures or vibrations.

Cooling Down by Evaporating:

Evaporator coils of air conditioning systems are sometimes called 
cooling coils. But cooling coils are also used in air-handling 
units. These contain chilled water. These are completely different 
from those used in direct expansion air cond units.
So cooling coils is not an accurate word to use in small air cond 
units. Evaporator coils should be used instead. Evaporator tubes 
must contain refrigerant liquid that can evaporate to become gas.

How to Choose a Good Car Tint Shop:

Most metropolitan areas have an abundance of tint shop choices. In the San Francisco, CA area alone, there are 30 different tint shops within a 25 mile radius. How does a consumer choose the tint shop that does quality work? What is the difference between a "Dr. Tint" and a "Quality Window Tinting"?
We at TintCenter suggest that you do a little research. First compile a list of 5 potential tint shops that are likely to do good work. Ask your friends an co-workers who have tinted their cars which tint shops they chose, look in the Yellow Pages and mark down the tint shops with large professional advertisements, or come to and get price quotes from a local tint shops.
Once you have this list in-hand, its time to interview each dealer:
- How long have you been in business at this location? Do you have other shops in the area?

Understanding Trailer Brake Controllers:

An electric trailer brake controller is a device that supplies power from a tow vehicle to a trailer's electric brakes. There are two types of brake controllers on the market today - Time Delay Activated and Inertia Activated.
While the controllers operate differently, they are very similar. Both types have the same wiring configuration. Both allow the driver to adjust the amount of braking power and both have a pressure sensitive manual override switch that can be used to apply the trailer brakes independently of the tow vehicle.
Time Delay Activated Brake Controls
Time Delay Activated or "solid state" controllers are enabled by the depressing of the brake pedal in the tow vehicle. Once enabled, time delay activated controllers apply a gradual voltage to the trailer's brakes using a Time Delay Circuit.

The Motor Vehicle Accident "Whiplash-Type" Injury -- As Of 2004:

The "Bottom Line" regarding "Whiplash Crash Facts" (accumulated during 2004 - - and including all the previous years) are as follows:
THERE ARE EIGHT SERIOUS AND ABSOLUTE FACTS IMPACTING AND REGARDING THAT WHICH IS TODAY IDENTIFIED AS A "WHIPLASH" INJURY. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1#. The "Threshold" for cervical spine soft tissue injury becomes a reality at 5 MPH.2#. Most injuries occur at speeds below 12 MPH. #3. Crashed cars can often withstand collision speeds of 10 MPH (some even more) without sustaining damage. (THUS: The concept of "No Property Damage - No Cash" has absolutely been invalidated)!

Fraudsters Target Online Car Sales:

There is a growing car shipping scam on the internet which has been targeting sellers of cars, boats, motorbikes and other single high value items, even horses !
We first came across this in January when we were approached by a car dealer in Australia who had been directed to a website purporting to be 1st Move International's car shipping site.
Car Shipping Scam: The hook
Fraudsters had copied aspects of our site and were advising potential victims that they would buy their vehicle and ship it via their approved shippers, pointing the victim to this so called shipping site which they had published themselves.
Once the seller had been "hooked" the fraudster then sends a cheque to the seller for the cost of the vehicle and, very kindly, includes in this payment the costs for shipping the vehicle overseas.

7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs:

The law requires you buy auto insurance. So if you must get cover, how can you reduce costs ? Here's 7 easy ways to get the best possible auto insurance deal.
* Multiple Quotes
Get multiple quotes - use the internet and call a few brokers. It's easy to gather some good comparison quotes.
Remember to get different types of quotes e.g one from a direct-sell insurance company; another from an offline broker who keeps a database of quotes; and a couple from the internet.
Cheapest might not mean best. Will they pay out if you make a claim ? How financially secure ? How reputable ? Check around with family and friends, and look for online reviews.

Trailer Buying Guide:

Thinking about buying a cargo trailer, horse trailer or even a motorcycle trailer but aren't sure which trailer to buy? As you might have realized, choosing a trailer now-a-days can be perplexing. It's not surprising given the amount of trailer manufacturers and different types of trailers available.
There are many factors to consider when purchasing a trailer. One of the first considerations is to choose an established trailer manufacturer. As with most everything, you usually get what you paid for, so try to choose the best trailer that you can afford.
Deciding on what type of trailer you need for your application will help in narrowing down the manufacturers. There are trailers for almost every conceivable type of cargo, from motorcycles to horses to concessions. If you have to haul it, then there's a trailer made to haul it or at least one that can easily be converted to do the job.
After choosing a manufacturer, figure out what size trailer you'll need. Trailers come in several different widths and lengths. If you're considering an enclosed trailer, you'll also need to consider the height of the interior. If your trailer towing needs require that you spend very much time inside the trailer, choose one with enough interior height to keep you from bending your neck or back when standing.

Flush The Cooling System On Your Car, or Truck:

Your cooling system should be flushed every other year. No, I'm not crazy, but with all the new chemicals they use today, it will literally eat up the rubber hoses and deteriorate the heater core, and the radiator core.
Have a drain pan under the drain plug, or the lower radiator hose, to catch the old fluid. EPA doesn't want you to let it run out onto the ground--it will contaminate Earth!
Make sure the engine is cold! Hot antifreeze burns dramatically and it will burn you, too!
If you can get to the drain plug, (sometimes it's hard to get to) you can put a piece of 3/8 inch hose onto it. Put the other end into the drain pan and open the drain plug. This will let the fluid empty into the drain pan--that way all the fluid will go into the drain pan and not spread out and drip all over the place. Remove the radiator cap.
If you want, and it's much faster, you can remove the lower radiator hose from the radiator. Use caution, though, you don't want to break the neck on the radiator--that's a no-no.

Do You Have A Flat Spot?...On One Of Your Tires:

Have you ever been driving on a smooth road, alone, and by yourself, and felt the vehicle shimmy, and shake, and heard a slight roaring noise?
Gremlins! They do that sometimes.
I had a l996 Pontiac Grand Am in here the one day that was doing just that!
The owner told me he thought it was a wheel bearing, or maybe a universal joint.
He said he had thought about fixing it himself but he just didn't have time.
It's a good thing. This was a front wheel drive.
A front wheel drive doesn't have a drive shaft, it has drive-axles.
Plus, he would have been shocked when he took the tire off. No-hub-like-a-normal-hub. :-)
There's a lot more to changing out a bearing in a fwd than it is in a rear-wheel drive (rwd).

Changing Oil and Filter

If you live within a city-limits, be sure to check with the city manager's office to see if they have any regulations about working on your own vehicle in your yard or driveway. Thanks!
Park your vehicle on a level surface and put blocks of wood or bricks behind the rear tires.
Jack the front of the vehicle up enough for you to get under it.
Be SURE to put jacks stands under the body (behind the front wheels) or put some timbers under the tires and let the weight off the jack.
Put a piece of cardboard, or an old blanket, underneath the vehicle to lie down on (I hate working on the *ground*). ?º
Get a pail or pan that will hold at least 6 or 7 quarts of liquid to drain the oil into.
It's a mess having a pan that holds 4 quarts and letting 5 quarts of old oil running into it! ?¼
You will need a wrench to remove the oil pan drain plug. PLEASE, don't use one of those "adjustable" things. All they do is "round" the shoulders on the plug. Get the proper tool.
You need a filter wrench that will fit your oil filter.

So, Your Starter Is Just Clicking:

Does you starter make a *click* sound when you try to start your vehicle?
Each time you turn the ignition switch to start, does the starter just *click* one time?
That is probably the starter solenoid.
If it goes, *click-click-click-click*, and so on, it may just be a low battery.
A low battery that makes the starter *click* a few times doesn't have enough *juice* in it to turn the starter over to turn the flywheel over to turn the crankshaft over to make the engine start...phew!
A simple way to tell if the battery is at fault is to turn the headlights on and turn the ignition switch to start.
If the lights go out, then the battery is probably at fault.
Course, you'll have to run real fast after you hit the start position in order to see if the lights go out...or have someone out there watching for you.:-)

Does Your Car Engine Backfire?

Does your vehicle engine run ok?
Or does it cut-out on you sometimes when your are going to visit your in-laws?
Does it *spit* and *sputter* and *backfire*, then start running ok, again?
Symptoms of this nature can be several things.
o You could have a sparkplug wire shorting out.
o You could have an electrical wire shorting out.
o You may have some water in the fuel tank.
Let's take the most common of these three mentioned.
Over the years you cannot keep they fuel tank full at all times.
With a fuel tank half full, the upper part can cause condensation.

Do You Have A Serpentine Belt? What's That?

Do you have a serpentine belt that drives everything on the front of your engine?
A serpentine belt is the long belt with all the little *notches* on the underside.
It goes around the crankshaft pulley, the power steering pulley, the alternator pulley, the air conditioner pulley, and the water pump pulley.
It will probably have an idler and most definitely has a tensioner.
The tensioner does just what it says.
It is what keeps tension on the belt, to keep it tight.
You don't have to loosen any bolts and pry anything to tighten this belt!
It is a good idea to check this belt often.
It is also a good idea to change it after about two or three years.

Check The Brake Fluid:

You can do some maintenance and minor repairs on your own vehicle.
To check the brake fluid level, raise the hood.
The master cylinder (mc) is located on the driver's side near the firewall, just under the windshield.
Most master cylinders have two small round caps that you can twist off. Some have one rectangular cap that either snaps on or has a metal bar that clips over the cap.
You can remove the metal clip by inserting a screwdriver under the clip and lifting up on the handle.
The plastic rectangular cap can be removed by popping it off with your thumbs.
Be very careful removing the caps.
It's best to take a paper towel and clean around the filler caps before removing.
Trash, dirt, or water can cause a lot of problems with your brake, lets be cleaning-freaks when we work on the brake system, especially the master cylinder.
If the brake fluid in the master cylinder with the small round caps is up to the ring at the base of the filler neck it is okay.
In the master cylinder with the one cap the level should be at least one-quarter inch from the top.
You don't want to fill the master cylinder too full, it needs room to expand when it gets hot.
Look at the fluid. What color is it?

Woah! You Are Having A Flat!

Have you ever driven the highway at night and heard a "hissing" noise and then felt the steering wheel *shake*?
Then the whole car started to tremble?
Guess what?
You probable just had a blow-out, or at least you were having a flat tire--that's what happens when all the air goes out of a tire.
Do you know how to change a tire?
It's different on most cars.
And then there's that little *toy* tire somewhere in the back that you have to put on to get to where you are going (if it's not too far).
It all depends on the type of vehicle you are driving.
If it's a pickup truck, you're in luck. At least your spare will be either in the back of the truck, or, underneath the bed near the rear bumper.
That could be good, or it could not be good. It all depends on where you are and which tire went flat, the front, or the rear.
Anyway, let's assume you can get to it on a pickup.
Usually, the manufacturer has it fastened up to the bottom of the bed with a cable that has a crank or twist mechanism.
If you are in a passenger car, or van, or station wagon you will find the spare tire in the back, or in the trunk (where you store your luggage when you go visit your in-laws).
On my wife's Ford Taurus station wagon the spare is located in the back, on the left, behind a panel...the *toy* tire.

Do You See Oil Spots On Your Carport?

Do you see oil spots on your carport?
Do you smell burned oil after you return from the grocery store?
Is there light blue smoke sneaking from underneath the hood?
There are several reasons for this.
Let's talk about the most common.
There is a small round cylinder which is pushed into a rubber grommet on one of the rocker arm covers.
It has a rubber hose on it that goes to the intake manifold.
It's called a PCV Valve.

Your Life Depends On This Little Hose Being In Good Shape!

I won't go into details with this job, but I want you to think about it.
Your brakes are very important. Your life depends on them.
When you have to have brakes repaired on your favorite vehicle, don't skimp.
Sure, it looks like all you need is a set of pads, or shoes.
But, if the pads or shoes are wore out, what about the other parts?
I don't recommend having the rotors or drums turned.
I know, a lot of technicians will tell you that you will have better braking if you turn them.
On the small cars with the removable rotors on the front, I have had some turned, and then I had to buy the customer a new set of rotors and pads!

What Are Tie-Rod Ends...Do I Need Them?

What are tie rod ends? Your life depends on them!
All vehicles, no matter what make or model have tie rod ends.
On vehicles with Rack and Pinion Steering there are only two, but on others, there are four.
The tie rod end attaches to the steering knuckle on each front wheel on Rack and Pinion Steering.
On non-R&P steering, there is one attached to the steering knuckle on each front wheel and one attached to the long bar that controls both wheels for steering, called a Tie Rod Drag Link.
This link is connected to the pitman arm coming from the steering gear-box and also connected to an idler arm for stability purposes.
The little tie rod ends on non R&P screw into a sleeve with both right-handed threads and left-handed threads.
When you have the toe-in set on your vehicle, the technician can loosen two bolts and nuts and twist this sleeve¡...this makes the tires go out or in.

Researching a Car That is Right For You:

Researching your new vehicle is a daunting task in today's world. Once you have narrowed your next vehicle down to 2 or 3 choices it is time to research. Take out a sheet of paper for each vehicle and write down pros and cons for each one. Also on each sheet of paper list the attributes which are most important to you. This list might include: 
MPG - if you put a lot of miles on your car this factor could make a big dent in your wallet if you pick the wrong car.
Engine power - HP is a big factor for many people out there.
Price - nothing needs to be said about this one.
Interior space
Repair costs - consider the average costs to repair a fender-bender.
Insurance costs - this is often overlooked by buyers and can catch you by surprise.

Powder Coating 101: How Does It Work?

Everybody is talking about the process of powder coating automotive parts. Powder coating has grown in popularity over the past few years for a number of reasons. How many of us see powder coating being used on shows like "American Chopper" or "Overhaulin'"? The general public knows from watching these shows that powder coating is out there. But what is powder coating and how exactly is it done? Anybody know?
Preparation is imperative in achieving a quality finish. The item being coated must be completely bare of any paint, dirt, oil, or any other substance. To achieve this, sandblasting equipment is used. If it is not possible to use this equipment, it must be done with chemicals or by hand. The items are then baked to remove any moisture from the metal. After all materials have been stripped off, the item is treated with a degreasing solution to help prevent corrosion.

Free Yourself From Car Clutter: Five Easy Ways To Keep Your Car Organized When Traveling:

It's a common sight: soda cans, gum wrappers, and snack bags 
strewn all over the floor; books, magazines, and carrying cases 
haphazardly placed on a seat; and miscellaneous papers and 
trinkets shoved into any nook and cranny available. What is this 
disorganized place? A college frat house, a mad scientist's 
office? No. It's the typical disorganized car--and it could 
easily belong to you or someone you know. Whether you're 
traveling for business or pleasure, the automobile is still the 
most common means of getting to your destination. In fact, for 
many people, their car has become their "home away from home," 
with extended car trips a part of daily life.

How To Make Money With Used Cars!

One of the most important purchases consumers make is a car. The average consumer purchases another car every several years. With the High Cost of new cars millions of people are opting to purchase affordable used cars.
There is a Massive opportunity to earn an excellent income. Help fill this high demand for quality used cars at affordable prices. When starting out you should focus on cars under the $4,000 range.
Do some research and find out what the most popular best selling cars in your area are. By staying in the lower price ranges with these popular vehicles you will be in a higher demand market since more people can afford these vehicles than higher priced more expensive cars, this will make it much easer to sell quickly for a profit.

Top 9 Tips for Buying A Fuel-Efficient Car:

Whether you buy a new or used vehicle, fuel efficiency--good gas mileage--is high on the list of most buyers' concerns. The difference between choosing a fuel-efficient car or one that guzzles gas, will either save or cost you money over the life of the vehicle, which could be substantial. Fuel efficiency varies widely from one car to the next. Obviously you can check the EPA rating for city/highway MPG on the window sticker, although most of us know the average car never reaches those numbers.
You can also check consumer guides, car magazines and Web sites, Web site forums or ask friends, relatives and co-workers which vehicles they recommend as fuel-efficient cars.

Get Paid To Drive Your Car:

You may have heard rumors that it's possible to get paid to drive your car, or in some cases, get a car to use for free. While participation is limited and luck is needed along with living in the right place for a particular campaign, it is possible to get paid to have your car (or a car given to you) turned into a moving advertisement. If you drive 800 miles or more a month along heavily populated routes in your normal driving habits, you may want to check out the companies that offer car wraps.
The concept is fairly simple. Advertising space on billboards along busy roads and highways is limited and in some places not allowed at all. It's possible, however, to reach many of those people another way. Companies advertise on the outside of cars to reach those same people. The problem is that purchasing an entire fleet of cars for an advertising campaign can be overly expensive, so a solution was developed.

How Often Do You Change Oil?

When do you need to replace your lubricating oil? If you have a large quantity of lubricating oil to change, it is going to burn a hole in your pocket. So most plant operators try to preserve the properties of the lubricating oil for as long as possible.
One of the most important functions of lubricating oil is to reduce the friction between the moving parts of machinery. But there are other features to look at.
When do you know that the oil needs to be changed? Below is a rough guide:
1. Viscosity has changed by 10%
2. Flash Point has dropped to 150 degree Celsius
3. Water Content has reached 2%
4. TBN, or Total Base Number has reduced by 20%
5. Insoluble Content has increased to 5% of the oil
Due to the oxidation of the oil when exposed to heat and oxygen, the viscosity of the oil tend to reduce. With the reduction of viscosity, the film of oil between rubbing metal surfaces becomes more difficult to maintain. This results in metal to metal contact, micro seizures that leads to scuffing, abrasion and other damages.

How Can We Decrease the U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil?

All About Hybrid Cars Articles
In late 2004, the Hudson Institute conducted a survey with the following results:
* 75% of Americans prioritized "reducing our reliance on foreign oil" over "cheaper prices for oil and gas."
* 83% of Americans agreed that "reducing our dependence on foreign oil must be a top priority for the next administration."
* 91% of Americans concurred that "when it comes to energy, we need an America that relies on its own ingenuity and innovation-not the Saudi royal family."
How much oil we depend on from foreign sources affects our economy and our national security. Today, we import more than half of the oil we use, and it will increase as we use up domestic resources. The majority (65% to 75%) of the world's oil reserves are in the Middle East and are controlled by the OPEC oil cartel. The U.S. depends on oil for most of its transportation needs--up to 95%. Until alternative energy vehicles start becoming more common place, our dependence on foreign oil will only grow.

Nine Top Tips to Maximize Your Fuel Efficiency and Save Money on Gas:

With the escalating price of gas, buying a fuel-efficient car makes a lot of sense. Approximately 15% of new car buyers reject a model due to poor gas mileage. Nearly 40% of those consumers who eliminate a full-size SUV due to gas mileage ultimately purchase a midsize SUV instead, while nearly 20% purchase another model altogether. (J.D. Power and Associates, Sept. 2004.)
But even if you don't currently own a fuel-efficient car, there are lots of ways you can improve the fuel efficiency of your present vehicle until you're ready to purchase one of the best gas mileage cars. Your personal driving habits have a big effect on your fuel use and costs. You can better manage your vehicle operating costs as well as minimize the emissions it produces by driving less and more efficiently. Here are some tips to help. 

Want a Chopper? Build Your Own!

Motorcycle chopper kits are a growth industry. But what does that mean to you and me? Well one thing that we know is that we will have more choppers to ogle at. There is not a single day that goes by without more and more pictures of chopper bikes that have just been finished showing up in all the motorcycle magazines. Then at the weekends, when we are on our "hot" rides, we will see four or five show finish level bikes. There are more choppers around now than there have been in the last twenty five years.
Most of these choppers have been built from motorcycle chopper kits, the "bike in a box" approach. But hey, don't knock it! Building your own chopper has never been easier. There are rolling chassis kits, complete bike kits, and frame manufacturers give you a multitude of choice when it comes to take the plunge and buy a motorcycle chopper kit.

Drag Racing - Take It Off The Street And To The Strip:

Drag racing, a contest between two cars starting from dead stop to determine which car can accelerate quicker to a given point. Drag racing started in the 1930's where competitors raced along desert stretches of road to see who's hot rod was faster. Over the coming years the sport became more organized and the National Hot Rod Association was formed in 1951. 54 years later, the NHRA is now the largest sanctioning body in motorsports with over 80,000 members.
Most people probably got their start with drag racing on the streets, sitting at a light when your neighbor or friend pulls up, both of you itching for the light to finally turn green so you both can hammer the throttle and see who could get to the next light first.

Radar Detector Primer:

Radar detector use is very common these days, for many people, speeding is a normal part of daily life. This law-bending is so prevalent and commonly accepted that there is even specialized electronic equipment to help drivers get away with it. Since its introduction in 1970s, the radar detector has become a must-have accessory for would-be Andrettis everywhere, keep on reading our radar detector review and find out the details.
More money buys more features

Radar Detector Buyers Guide:

Radar detector manufacturers are constantly playing a game of catch-up with new technologies designed to nab the lead-footed, some of the critical factors when buying a Radar Detector are :
False Alarms : The case when too many false alarms occur. If your Radar Detector constantly falses than you'll start to ignore it eventually - and then in a case of a real radar trap it will be too late.
x/k Radar Sensitivity : These frequencies have been used already in the 60 and 70, therefore the radar detectors manufacturers already know how to detect them from miles.
KA Radar Sensitivity : More expensive components are required for this type of frequency, most manufacturers prefer not to include this feature to save money on the development of the device.