When you need to buy your next automobile make sure that fuel economy doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Buying a compact car with good gas mileage is both friendly to the environment and your pocket book. You will enjoy the savings throughout the life of the vehicle.
There is a lot to consider when buying a car. If you are buying a used car the condition of the clutch, brakes, engine and transmission will play a huge role in how much that car will cost to operate. Even minor problems can result in $300 repairs.
With new cars you need to find the make and model that has a proven track record and fits your needs. Make sure that fuel efficiency plays a role in your decision making. If you emerge from the car buying process with a fuel efficient car you will burn up less cash in your tank and have more money to spend on things that matter.
There is a lot to consider when buying a car. If you are buying a used car the condition of the clutch, brakes, engine and transmission will play a huge role in how much that car will cost to operate. Even minor problems can result in $300 repairs.
With new cars you need to find the make and model that has a proven track record and fits your needs. Make sure that fuel efficiency plays a role in your decision making. If you emerge from the car buying process with a fuel efficient car you will burn up less cash in your tank and have more money to spend on things that matter.