This is a hotly contested debate which has probably been running since human beings first took to wheeled transportation. That said perhaps all bets were off when Boudicca demonstrated her skills with the chariot to the Romans.
Men usually start with the ability of female drivers to park a car. Following on from some research by Ruhr University it was discovered that the sample of female drivers in the study took on average 20 seconds longer to park in a space than it did their male counterparts. It has long been established that the male brain has better spatial awareness and has therefore an advantage with tasks such as parallel parking. There are also many videos flying around on YouTube making fun of how bad women are at parking --although very funny, these videos do not help and even cause more damage to the public perception towards women drivers. However females taking longer to park could just reinforce women's attention to detail about things.
In terms of breaking the law on our highways this accolade goes firmly to the men. Over 80% of traffic offences are committed by men. Add to this the fact that men also have twice as many accidents as women and we are starting to build up a picture. There will always be the counter arguments that men drive more than women and this would have a significant bearing. If car insurance companies can be considered arbiters in this matter then they fall down on the side of women drivers through the cheaper premiums they offer.
However, European Court has recently decided that it is illegal for the car insurance companies to offer cheaper premiums to women drivers due to the equality law while the insurance industry experts disagree that the insurance costs are based on statistics and the risks which the insurance companies take rather than the sex of the drivers. Evidently, a recent figures from the department of transport also show that men account for 76% of all road fatalities.
An area however where women drivers fall down is cleaning their cars. Statistics show that 56% of women drivers don't clean their car for 6 months or more, compared with 44% of their male counterparts. Women are also more likely to pay someone to wash their car.
So who then are the winners, well financially speaking, both men and women will pay the same price for their car insurance, so I believe it is a draw!
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