The price you pay at your gas station depends on various factors, from the buzz on Wall Street to unrest in the Middle East. Even when crude oil prices are stable, gasoline prices fluctuate due to the season, competition among gas stations and problems at oil refineries. As the price of gasoline inches towards $4.00 a gallon, here are some tips to save you money and improve the quality and efficiency of the gas you buy.
Fill up when the tank is half full.
The more gas you have in your fuel tank, the less air that occupies the empty space in the tank. This cuts down on the amount of gas that evaporates, thus retaining more fuel in your tank.
Fill up early in the morning.
The fuel storage tanks at gas stations are buried underground. When you buy gas or fill up early in the morning when the ground is still cold, the gasoline is more dense, so you get more for your dollar. As the temperature rises, the gas expands and becomes less dense, so even though you purchased a gallon of gas, you're not getting a full gallon of gas. Buy early instead and get your money's worth.